我们在im体育APP的目的是 "Making tomorrow safer than today". 环境, 社会和治理(ESG)责任是我们实现这一目标的核心. 在im体育APP, we believe that the TIC industry can play a significant, 和有意义, role in leading the way in environmental sustainability, in partnership with customers around the world. And we are the front runner. 

Recognised as industry leader by Sustainalytics作为全球领先的ESG研究和评级机构,我们在主要的TIC机构中拥有最高的评级. We are in the top 1% of the over 15,000 companies rated by Sustainalytics. 

“As a business with purpose at its heart, we’re proud of our strong ESG framework that has been in place for years, 是什么支持了我们获得这一评级,以及我们在这一关键问题上的领导地位.”



我们的 环境 Commitments

围绕排放的环境承诺是我们长期ESG计划的重要组成部分. 主要目标包括:

Net Zero by 2030 Scopes 1 and 2
Nee Zero by 2035 Scopes 1 2 and 3


In 2019 im体育APP’s carbon baseline was 103 KTCO2e, equivalent to 15.1 TCO2e/ FTE和0.每一美元收入产生13吨二氧化碳当量.


Across the world we’re working hard to reduce our environmental impact and are 目标是将全球100%的电力使用转移到可再生能源合同,以及 试用电动汽车,并在整个供应链中努力减少我们的影响.

Renewable 能源 Procurement

30% of im体育APP's global electricity is sourced from renewable energy, 我们将继续向所有电力使用的可再生能源合同过渡.


We are installing solar panels on our properties across our organisation, including laboratories in United Arab Emirates.




We care about the impact we have on our people and the communities we are a part of. 我们一直在努力使im体育APP成为一个更加多元化、包容和公平的公司. 我们的多样性使我们更强大,更有能力为我们所在的当地社区和更广泛的社会带来积极的影响.


建立一个更加多元化和包容性的文化就是建立信任和真诚. It’s also about making the most of our diverse ways of thinking, 经验, the different cultures and backgrounds we come from. We have launched several colleague resource networks (covering racial equality, 残疾的资源, LGBT+和商界女性),我们为领导者提供有针对性的培训,以消除“无意识的偏见”.


Creating a safer world for everyone is what we are all about. And that starts with our people, 安全是我们的首要任务,我们在所有业务中实施了领先的安全计划.


im体育APP中,我们都可以在工作和工作之外将我们的目标和价值观带入生活. 我们每年为所有同事提供12小时的志愿假期,以支持当地社区. 这对我们的当地社区是一个积极的影响,但也可以为我们个人提供个人和专业成长的机会. And giving something back makes us feel proud to support, 并成为其中的一部分, the communities we are part of. 



我们对诚信的承诺确保整个集团始终保持高标准. 我们有必要的治理和组织结构,以在审计中提供适当的监督级别, risk man年龄ment and potential conflicts of interest.


im体育APP的成员 互动电视委员会, an international association representing independent testing, inspection and certification companies. im体育APP was accepted as a member of the 互动电视委员会 with effect from 1 October 2020. 议会成员必须执行及遵守议会理事会于2018年12月发出的《im体育平台app下载》.


  • 完整性 – to act in a professional, independent and impartial manner in all activities.
  • 利益冲突 – to avoid actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest. 
  • Confidentiality and data protection  to respect the confidentiality and privacy of client information. 
  • 反贿赂 - 在所有商业交易和关系中,对贿赂和腐败采取零容忍态度.
  • Competition and Fair Business Conduct - to comply with all rules relating to fair competition, anti-trust and tendering.
  • 健康与安全 - to protect the 健康 and safety of colleagues, customers and third parties.
  • 公平劳动 - a zero tolerance approach to abuse, 欺凌或骚扰 in the workplace. Equal opportunities in the workplace, 遵守最低工资法,禁止强迫和强制劳动.

im体育APP has established a wide range of policies, 规定我们如何运作的程序和指导方针-我们对员工的期望, and what they can expect from im体育APP in return. They are regularly updated and routinely communicated to colleagues. 主要的政策、程序和指导方针已汇集在一个总体的 行为准则, 这反映了我们在任何地方开展业务都以诚实和正直的态度开展业务的承诺.

要素致力于确保我们的人民按照《im体育平台app下载》和《im体育APP》的十项原则得到待遇. 我们力求禁止强迫, compulsory and under年龄 labor and any form of 歧视 based on race, 性别, 宗教, 年龄, 残疾, the right to collective bargaining or political affiliation.  我们的 现代奴隶制政策 声明im体育APP对现代奴隶制采取零容忍态度,以下原则适用于我们的业务和供应链:

  • child labor must not be used;
  • any form of forced or compulsory labor must not be used;
  • 护照, 签证和其他个人文件不得从员工那里拿走,除非员工要求保管;
  • all forms of debt bond年龄 are prohibited;
  • compensation and benefits must comply with local laws relating to minimum w年龄s, overtime hours and other benefits; and
  • 应当尊重工会的成立和集体谈判的权力. 

As required by the 现代奴隶制度 Act 2015, im体育APP publishes a 现代奴隶制度 transparency statement 其中列出了我们在im体育APP的业务和供应链中防止现代奴隶制的方法.

im体育APP致力于以最高的道德和商业标准开展业务. We have therefore adopted a 供应商行为准则 setting out the behavior and principles that we expect our suppliers to follow. Suppliers of goods and services, 承包商, 合资伙伴, 咨询顾问, im体育APP聘请的顾问和所有其他第三方应遵守本《im体育官方app下载》中规定的原则,并鼓励他们制定自己的准则, policies and procedures to adhere to the principles of this 供应商行为准则.

We provide a confidential whistleblower service, which is man年龄d by a specialist third party provider, 在我们的全球业务中, giving all colleagues and third parties the opportunity to raise concerns. The service encompasses a telephone hotline, 电子邮件和基于网络的报告设施,并在im体育APP设有办事处的所有国家以相关语言提供.   This service may be used to report incidents of wrongdoing including fraud, bribery & 腐败, 歧视, 欺凌或骚扰, 供应商劳动实践, 现代奴隶制度, 逃税, 违反竞争法, 健康, safety and quality matters and environmental concerns. Any whistleblowing reports are reviewed and investigated appropriately.

《im体育APP》(“公司法”)第172条规定了董事促进公司成功的责任. 根据该法案和2018年公司(杂项报告)条例, 符合资格的公司须在其年报和帐目的策略报告中包括一份声明,说明其董事如何看待《im体育APP》第172条规定的事项(“第172条声明”)。.



im体育APP Materials 技术 Group Limited - Financial Year 2020

P年龄 27 of the Annual Report 2020 and Consolidated Financial Statements (查看PDF 存档于公司注册处)


Warringtonfire 测试 and 认证 Limited - Financial Year 2019

P年龄 2 of the 2019 Annual Report and Financial Statements (查看PDF 存档于公司注册处) 


im体育APP Materials 技术 环境 UK Limited  - Financial Year 2020

P年龄 4 of the 2020 Annual Report and Financial Statements (查看PDF 存档于公司注册处)

就任何治理或诚信事宜与im体育APP的集团法务团队联系, 请联系 ethics@shikstar.com

另外, to contact the confidential im体育APP Whistleblowing Hotline provided by Safecall, 请 点击这里.

Together, we can make a positive change for everyone

How we help customers to meet their sustainability goals